In a groundbreaking initiative with AT&T's educational technology platform, Achievery, I played a central role in developing "Teddy Talks," an innovative podcast series designed specifically for children. This project was executed in collaboration with GoKiDGo and underpinned by Wurrly’s creative direction, where I worked closely with Greg Yurchuck, Wurrly's Chief Strategy Officer, to design a captivating educational experience tailored for the K-12 sector.
Key Responsibilities and Achievements:
- Strategic Partnership Development: Facilitated the collaboration between AT&T, GoKiDGo, and Wurrly to launch a cutting-edge educational initiative. Our collective aim was to integrate audio learning with AT&T’s Achievery platform, enhancing its offerings and reaching a broader audience.
- Innovative Content Creation: Spearheaded the development of "Teddy Talks," which reimagines the popular TED Talks format for a younger audience. This involved curating content that is not only educational but also engaging and appropriate for children.
- Educational Strategy and Curriculum Integration: Worked alongside Greg Yurchuck to remix the podcasts with a strong educational focus. We developed accompanying lesson plans that brought a physical and visual learning dimension to the auditory content, making it more tangible and interactive for students.
- Market Analysis and Educational Alignment: Conducted thorough market analysis to ensure that "Teddy Talks" effectively meets the needs and preferences of the K-12 education sector. This involved understanding educational standards, teacher expectations, and student engagement strategies to tailor content that resonates well with schools and aligns with curricular goals.
- Marketing and Outreach: Orchestrated a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote "Teddy Talks" within educational circles and beyond. This included targeted outreach to school districts, educational conferences, and digital platforms, aiming to maximize the series’ impact and reach.